The world of work is changing in its structure in all aspects, competitive, the diversification of skills, productivity, personal values, and all this generates the need to use innovative methods in training etc.

Emotional lntelligence Workshop 

Emotional intelligence can improve the quality of life of people and facilitate their personal and intellectual growth. Emotional intelligence emerges as one of the most important components in emotional adaptation, in personal well-being and success, in the interpersonal relationships of daily life.

According to J.Mayer- P. Salovey – D.R. Caruso emotionally intelligent people can make a realistic assessment of situations and anticipate what kind of reactions will cause a particular type of emotions, and that knowledge will make more sensible decisions. When we talk about intelligence and emotional development we are referring to Salovey – Mayer – Caruso: emotional awareness, regulating emotions; emotional autonomy; establish interpersonal relationships, quality of life and well-being.

The seminar will be taught in two modules:


An MSCEIT questionnaire and definition of emotional intelligence skills in the business world will be distributed. The skills of emotional intelligence will be worked on, proposing the different strategies, as well as emotional regulation and empathy.


Teamwork, Interpretation of conflicting situations in the company, Stress management Practices of selective attention techniques. Sharing of the opinions and experiences of the group.

Emotions are a topic on the rise, and all professions can take advantage of this, and therefore I would like to offer the possibility of living more closely the ability to regulate and detect our emotions. Emotional intelligence would be the ability to perceive one’s own emotions and know how to handle them. This ability is very important and necessary to solve tasks and conflicts in interpersonal and work relationships.

The Workshop consists of Emotional Intelligence in the workplace:

Background and development of the emotional intelligence concept
The 4 bases of emotional intelligence. The costs will be € 280 including the material and the evaluation of the results. The course is carried out in partnership with PER LAB.